
Wisdom teeth can be a real pain, especially when they are erupting (breaking through the gum). It’s difficult to understand how wisdom has anything to do with them!

A very common issue in dentistry, wisdom teeth can cause discomfort including ear pain, headaches and neck pain. Even if you suspect your wisdom teeth are erupting but you don’t have any discomfort, it is still worth visiting our dentist in North Geelong for a wisdom tooth assessment.

At Smile 4U, our dental team are trained in how to identify potential issues with wisdom teeth and, if required, are experienced at removing these difficult teeth with ease, ensuring that you suffer from no more discomfort.

Our dentist in North Geelong will also be able to assess the likelihood of issues with these teeth before they erupt, so if you have a family history of problematic wisdom teeth, come see us!

But how are wisdom teeth assessed? Does it differ from a regular check-up? Read on to find out how our dentist in North Geelong will assess your wisdom teeth!

Level of eruption

While the memory of our adult teeth erupting may have faded, wisdom teeth rarely emerge before the age of 15, so any eruption pain can come as a shock.

When you come to Smile 4U with wisdom tooth discomfort, the first thing our dental team will assess is the level of the eruption and assess if it corresponds with the discomfort level you describe.

Your teeth may be unerupted, partially erupted (sticking slightly above the gum) or fully erupted but even if you feel silly for calling a dental professional to assess a tooth that hasn’t erupted yet, it is important that you call us if you are in any level of discomfort.


Most erupting teeth come up straight, unless there is a genetic condition or an underlying trauma. But wisdom teeth aren’t like regular teeth!

Many teenagers become alarmed that these teeth are erupting at a strange angle but this is fairly normal. If food is getting packed next to it or it is causing trauma to the inner cheek or gum line, we may need to remove it.


How can we detect an infection in an unerupted tooth? With the magic of x-rays!

If we are concerned that you have an infection in your wisdom tooth, we may take images of the jaw bone, looking for a darkened root or a mass that looks like a bubble under the gumline.

If you have an infection, options include potentially prescribing antibiotics and removal of the tooth, depending on the clinical presentation.


If you have two wisdom teeth that are pointing in different directions, then you may have a higher risk of nighttime bruxism (tooth grinding) and temporomandibular joint disorder.

Depending on the clinical decision of our team, your wisdom teeth may require removal.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you